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'Monastir-Bitola' Concert
An evening honoring the Jews of Monastir-Bitola, Macedonia for the "House of Life" (the ancient cemetery in Monastir-Bitola, Macedonia).
The evening was held on Thursday, July 3, at the Gonenim Music Center in Jerusalem, initiated by Yael Una.
Musical producer: Efrat-Rachel Gerlich.
Recorded live at a benefit concert for rehabilitation of ancient "House of Life" for Monastir vetrans.
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'Relaxation' Music by Katerina Rey

צור משלו אכלנו Rock of Our Salvation, Who Let us Eat from His Own

אודך כי עניתני I Will Praise You because You Answered Me

איר מקירו - אל ירושלים "Ir Mekiero" - to Jerusalem

שיר אהבה לירושלים מאת עידו שירום Love song for Jerusalem/ Edo Shirom

יונתי בחגווי הסלע מאת אפרת רחל גרליך My Dove in the Clefts of The Rock

קטע כלייזמר בלקני/ אפרת-רחל גרליך Balcanic Klezmer-Efrat-Rachel Gerlich

פנטסיה לפי 'יובנו' מאת אפרת-רחל גרליך Fantasy on 'Yovano' by Efrat-Rachel Gerlich

מורניקה/שחרחורת. רוזלינד הרשקוביץ - סופרן Morenika

לה וידה דו/ שתה שתיתי. רוזלינד הרשקוביץ - סופרן La Vida Do

First movement from the suite 'Palm Trees in the Storm' by Uri Netanel

פוברטה מוצ'צ'יקה Povereta Muchachika

מחרוזת שירי לדינו Ladino Medley

'תפילת דניאל' מאת אפרת-רחל גרליך Daniel's Prayer by Efrat-Rachel Gerlich
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Relexation Music - Spanish Folk
Lyrics: Yehuda Karni.
Arrangement: Efrat-Rachel Gerlich.
Piano and Vocal: Katerina Rey- Chepelev, Soprano
Rock of Our Salvation , Who Let us Eat from His Own/ Liturgical Song of the Sepharadic Jews
Members of 'Halleluhu': Rosalind Hershkoviz, Alona Grinizki, Marta Felman and Helen Teits: Sopranos, Marina Gurevich and Rebeca Hembd: Altos, Leonid Axelrod, Brian Jimenez Duarte and Albert Hembd-Tenors, Ehud Gerlich and Draymell Diaz Rodriguez: Basses
I Will Praise You because You Unsweared Me/ Psalm 118 21-25
Members of 'Halleluhu': Rosalind Hershkoviz, Alona Grinizki, Marta Felman and Helen Teits: Sopranos, Marina Gurevich and Rebeca Hembd: Altos, Leonid Axelrod, Brian Jimenez Duarte and Albert Hembd-Tenors, Ehud Gerlich and Draymell Diaz Rodriguez: Basses
"Ir Mekiero" - to Jerusalem
I Will Praise You because You Unsweared Me/ Psalm 118 21-25 Members of 'Halleluhu': Rosalind Hershkoviz, Alona Grinizki, Marta Felman and Helen Teits: Sopranos, Marina Gurevich and Rebeca Hembd: Altos, Leonid Axelrod, Brian Jimenez Duarte and Albert Hembd-Tenors, Ehud Gerlich and Draymell Diaz Rodriguez: Basses
Love song for Jerusalem/ Edo Shirom
Edo Shirom: Piano
My Dove in the Clefts of The Rock
Music: Efrat-Rachel Gerlich Lyrics: Song of Solomon 2:14 Leonid Axelrod-Tenor. Marina Gurevich-Mezzo Sopran Idit Shemer-Flute, Smuel Ben-Shimon&Ira Freiman-Sokol-Violins, Uri Netanel-Cello Ehud Gerlich-Contrabass
Balcanic Klezmer-Efrat-Rachel Gerlich
Instrumentalists: Efrat Gerlich-Accordion, Aharon Swissa-Clarinet, Dan Jakobi, Ira Freimann-Sokol&Shmuel Ben Shimon-Violin, Uri Netanel-Cello. Ehud Gerlich-Contrabass and Leonid Axelrod-Percussion.
Fantasy on 'Yovano' by Efrat-Rachel Gerlich
Aharon Swissa-Clarinet Shmuel Ben Shimon, Dan Jakobi and Ira Freiman-Sokol: Uri Netanel-Contrabass
Aharon-Netanel-clarinet, Dan Jacobi - violin, Uri Netanel-cello, Ehud Gerlich-contrabass, Efrat Gerlich&Leonid Axelrod-percussion
La Vida Do
Orly Netanel-guitar, Efrat Gerlich-accordIion, Dan Jacobi-violin, Aharon-Netanel Swissa-clarinet, Uri netanel-cello, Ehud Gerlich-contrabass, Leonid Axelrod-percussion
First movement from the suite 'Palm Trees in the Storm' by Uri Netanel
Work based on the book of Sami Michael. Idit Shemer-flute, Uri Netanel-cello
Povereta Muchachika
Duet with Marina Gurevitch and Leonid Axelrod. Efrat Gerlich and Yizhar Fluseheim-Recorders, Leonid Axelrod-Guitar, Uri Netanel-Cello, Ehud Gerlich-Contrabss
Ladino Medley
Ladino Medley with Yizhar Flusheim-Recorder and Efrat Gerlich-Piano.
Daniel's Prayer by Efrat-Rachel Gerlich
Marina Gurevitch - mezzo-Sopran, Idit Shemer - flute, Katerina Ray - piano.
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