Jordana Klein: Art from Jerusalem

Spiritual art and Judaica

Israeli artist Jordana Klein has created unique genre of artwork that is poetic and graceful while being boldly colored and bursting with life. Jordana’s paintings are an artful a blend of abstract and realism, objects and spirituality. Themes and emotions are woven together to create a tapestry of hope and spirituality.

The overarching theme of Jordana’s artwork is the beauty of God’s world, whether in the splendor of the Judean Hills, a flower in bloom or a Tallit swaying in prayer, it gives voice to seen and the unseen – the soul, the feelings, the spark deep inside of us.
Jordana is not limited by genres or existing approaches to painting. On the contrary, Jordana pays little attention to current trends in art, to ensure that what she produces comes straight from her soul. What emerges reflects where she is in her life journey.

Original use of color and composition represent the themes. The colors are the music and the composition the dance, and together they flow across the canvas, bringing each piece to life.

Unrestricted by the ‘rules’ of art, Jordana is inspired to continually change her styles and methods. The hundreds of paintings Jordana has created bear witness to her ever-evolving personal growth and artistic inspiration.

As a religious Jew, Jordana prays through her artwork. In the siddur, the prayers are both collective and the personal, current and historical, meant to be internalized by each Jew in their own ways and according to where they exist in that particular time and space. Jordana’s believes that art meant to do the same.

Jordana’s work has been exhibited and sold at:

• Solo Exhibit, “Between Heaven and Earth”, Heichal Shlomo Museum Gallery, Jerusalem
• Solo Exhibit “The Spirit Within”, W Gallery, Tel Aviv
• Solo Exhibit “Between Heaven and Earth – the art of Jordana Klein”, at The Gallery, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, NYC
• The Fifth Quarter Gallery, The Cardo, Jerusalem
• Arta Gallery, King David St, Jerusalem
• Rosebud Gallery, SoHo, NCY
• Mireille Gallery, NYC
• Many Private Collections in the United States and Canada
• Payis, Bet Shemesh
• Community Center, Ramat Bet Shemesh
• Upcoming Exhibit at Heichal Shlomo, Jerusalem
• Dozens of one-woman shows
• Multiple group shows in America
• Books and magazine covers around the world

Permanent Collections of:

• Zionist Organization off America (ZOA), NYC
• The Fifth Presbyterian Church, NY


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• Browse the different categories at the menu.

(3 example works)